We sang an incredibly powerful hymn at Church yesterday, on Palm Sunday. It was the day, nearly 2000 years ago, when Jesus had His triumphant arrival into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey over the cloaks people had thrown down for Him, past the crowds waving palm leaves and shouting 'Hosanna' - which we were told in the service is both a shout of praise, and a request - save us, deliver us ...
And yet, just a few days later, when Pontius Pilate asked the crowds what he should do with Jesus, pardon Him or crucify Him ... the crowds weren't shouting 'Hosanna!', they were shouting 'Crucify Him!'
This incredibly beautiful hymn really hit me hard ...
The Power of the Cross
Here are the lyrics ...
Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men,
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.
This, the power of the cross:
Christ became sin for us
Took the blame, bore the wrath—
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh, to see the pain
Written on Your face,
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Every bitter thought,
Every evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow.
Now the daylight flees
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life;
"Finished!" the victory cry.
Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.
This, the power of the cross:
Son of God—slain for us
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Thank you Jesus!
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